>>51852067Fairy and dragon symbols look weird, specially dragon's.
Anyways I think fighting desperately needs better dual types. Fighting/dark covers psychic but leaves you even more vulnerable to the fairy coverage that they WILL be carrying. Fighting/ghost it's only the one mon. Fighting/steel is not strong enough to put in the work reliably. Fighting can't have support or defensive roles outside of maybe chesnaught or roost buzzwole, it's a type comprised almost entirely of things that hit like a train once or twice or things that set up and attack. Ground and fighting are both strong vs 5 other types, but fighting by itself is shit defensively and has no role variety, not to mention it's resisted by 5 types and can't hit ghost, whereas ground can't hit flying but it always has rock coverage at the very least, and only 2 types resist it.
Having more fighting clerics and more fighting supports would do a lot for the type. Having better fighting/poisons, fighting/ghosts and fighting/steels too.