1. Luxury Set - Presuming the Soothe Bell isn't an item easily available early in the game, this seems really good. Luxury Balls usually aren't immediately avaialble either and they're the most expensive Poke Ball so having 10 immediately is good.
2. Ball Set - Balltism guys would like this, and again having early access to some of these Balls could be considered good.
3. Aventure Set - The Rare Candy and Nugget are nice, and 3 Revives is okay. You can also just sell all these to have a good amount of money at the start of the game.
4. Dual Pack - I mean, 100 Poke Balls immediately is sorta convenient I guess? It's kinda overkill.
5. Healing Set - 3 Revives I guess is something, those wouldn't be that cheap at the start of the game, and you could sell them for extra starting money rather than using them. x10 of the other items is fine.
6. Sports Rucksack - Is this an exclusive item? Doesn't seem to be. Early access to a bag is very whatever.
7. Berry Set - Nothing imporant here, and just one of each is pretty worthless.
8. Refreshment Set - This stinks, it's just kinda funny. Lower than the berries cause these aren't even items you can equip for battles.