>>51867211(horribly outdated. current story team is Corvisquire, Appletun, G-Yamask, Arrokuda, Centiskorch and Hattrem. stuck exclusively to new mon and regretted it lol, I only like maybe half of these. was going to have a Galarian Corsola in place of the Yamask but it's a 1% encounter in one area of the Wild Area when it's raining. even trying for raids doesn't work because in my yuzu game you have to clear every single raid den of a raid before they respawn, which takes hours per reset and there's no way I'm doing that. already tried for like 8 hours before giving up, anyways.)
my IoA and CT teams were gonna be fully planned out, and I was hyped to use them, but I ended up hating half the mon for both of them so now they look like this:
IoA: G-Slowpoke (to Slowbro), Azurill, Fletchling (was going to have a Kubfu but never got that far; the other two slots ended up being free)
CT: Cleffa, Gyarados, Tyrantrum (other three slots ended up being free)