>>51909321>Blaines is honestly worse than Verlisify>worse than Verlisify>Friend gets me into Animal crossing.>Watch some videos for shit I can do on my island to make my friend seethe is basically the only reason I play.>Watch random videos here and there.>Run into a 45 minute video of Verlisify talknig about "getting cheaters banned in animal crossing">Holy shit didn't know cheating was this bad in AC, how the fuck do people even cheat in a game like this?>Click his video.>Dude gives a ten minute hitler-tier speech about how bad cheaters are and how they should be punished.>Fuck, this cheating has to be horrible, do people like hack and delete shit on other people's islands?>Do the they like go into co-op and mess up your save?>Full of curiosity click deeper int othe vid.>This dude is going from island to island and reporting all the "cheaters">Can't tell what the fuck cheating is happening.>Ask a friend to point it out for me.>They have starfruit planted on their island. STARFRUIT NIGGA. Do you know what this shit is? It's trees same as any other tree in the game, but with a slightly glowing fruit on it.
This motherfucker was about to burst a fucking blood vessel chasing down and reporting people for having... slightly prettier trees than you can normally get.
No, anon.
Nothing is worse than Verlisify.
Nobody is worse than this furry sub-human cunt. If he was set on fire I wouldn't piss on him to put it out.