>>51955081>it’s possible to be born with sex chromosome pairings other than XX and XY (XXY and XYY) Kleinefelter's Syndrome, or 47 XXY chromosomal disorder pretty much always results in a biological man, and the extra X chromosome fucks up the anatomy, but you definetly have a biological male. Mainly infertility and some ginecomastia, as well as learning disorders.
Jacob's Syndrome, or XYY chromosmal disorder, is also entirely a biological male with infertility and abnormal height, but still relatively lesser afflictions than other chromosomal disorders.
I'll toss you a freebie, since you at least made an attempt to sound smart: there's this disease called Morris Syndrome, which is caused by insensibility to androgens. In terms you can understand, basically a biological male becomes unable to process male hormones and develops its body as a female, despite being biologically a male. And they don't look like dudes in silk dresses, poor excuses of drag queens like most trannies. They actually genuinely pass, and are often found out in adolescence when they notices they're not having their period.
If you want to make a biological argument for troons next time, tackle that angle instead.