>>51949081Here's what I would have done:
>Future TyranitarMecha-Godzilla style, as in it's completely silver and explicitly has weapons.
It was developed to fight out of control Tyranitars, so it's a hard counter to Tyranitar in gameplay.
>Future HydreigonLiterally the tank design they used to always talk about. It doesn't fly at all. It has two biological heads and one completely mecha head like Mecha King Ghidorah.
>Future NinetalesCompletely red; it's based on the urban fox. Despite being a scavenger, it's now the most successful Ninetales species in history because it subsists on the abundance of trash left out in human society. It's very physically powerful.
>Future DewgongLike dolphins, Dewgong has a superior intellect and has evolved to be able to swim in space as well as the ocean. Its Ice-typing means it is right at home in the heat void of space, and it can psychically communicate throughout the universe with others of its kind. (Ecco the Dolphin reference)
>Future ElectabuzzThese oni developed a culture of their own and travel the galaxy conquering planets. They can shapeshift into other forms, including a humanoid one. (Lum the Invader reference)
>Future MagcargoIts magma has cooled into thick black rock due to prolonged entropy. Although it's even slower than before, its hardness is the strongest amongst all Pokémon and approaches the density of dark matter.
Not everything has to be robotic; why not evolution, entropy or urban micro-evolution?