>>51959918Fixed final time
>past donphanLike a elephant dino cool
>past volcaronalooks like larvesta, not good, agreed
>past amoongusnice form and good poke, but better now
>past jigglylol, no one is gay enough to think this isnt shit
>past misdreavuscool
>past magnetonnot good
>past salamencesomething about it doesnt work for me, look like Sceptile with wings. I kinda like past one more?
>future donphanOdd, I need to see more, but not great
>future volcaronasweet very nice
>future gallade/gardevoircool, seems a bit odd, bit cool with me
>future hariyamavery cool yes
>future delibirdodd, need to see it in game maybe
>future hydreigonvery cool
>future tyranitarAwesome, what fag doesn't like dino robots?