>>52035069>Iron TreadsStealth Rock, VOLT SWITCH, Body Press (120 def), Ice Spinner
>Iron MothFlamethrower, Psychic, Fire Blast, U-turn, Toxic Spikes, Energy Ball, Hurricane, Dazzling Gleam
No boosting moves! Specs user?
>Iron HandsSwords Dance, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Volt Switch, Play Rough
>Iron JugulisFlamethrower, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, U-turn, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, HURRICANE
Hydreigon without Nasty Plot basically
>Iron ThornsSwords Dance, elemental punches, Spikes, Taunt, Dragon Dance, VOLT SWITCH, Body Press (110 def)
>Iron BundleEncore, Taunt, U-turn
Definitely specs user
>Iron ValiantElemental punches, Swords Dance, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Encore, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Trick, Calm Mind, Aura Sphere, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Psyshock, Liquidation
The versatility on this thing is absolutely insane with 130 attack and 120 SpA
>Ting-LuSpikes (level up as well), Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Body Press (130 def)
No reliable recovery!
>Chien-PaoSwords Dance (lvl up too), Crunch, Taunt, Psychic Fangs, Ice Spinner
>Wo-ChienScreens, Taunt, Foul Play, Body Press (100 def)
Meh movepool, knock off via lvl up saves it
>Chi-YuNasty Plot (lvl up), Flame Thrower, Psychic, Taunt
>KoraidonSwords Dance, Taunt, Bulk Up, U-turn, Drain Punch, Body Press (115 def)
>MiraidonThunder Wave, Calm Mind, U-turn, Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Volt Switch, Dazzling Gleam
>TinkatonIce Hammer, Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Screens, Encore, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Foul Play
Not good if no Huge Power or Bone Club item
>ArmaroguePsychic, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Trick, Overheat, Calm Mind, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball
discount magmortar
>CeruledgeSwords Dance (lvl up), Flare Blitz (lvl up), Taunt, CLOSE COMBAT (not walled by ttar!)