>>52066125>Have you not looked at the streets recently and realized that the astounding number of people asking for food wasn't nowhere as big 4 years ago?You just grown up recently and didn't saw them as a little kid.
>Rachadinhas. 51 mansions in cash. R$400 billion fiscal debtIf any of that was barely true, he would have got an inpeachment years ago.
You're just and standard brainwashed lefty. You you take your time and research it properly you might have at least a bit of doubt in those. Start be the "51 mansions in cash". Search of the size and location of those mansions, and how much of money was used (guess what, it wasnt cash). Just the fact that it was a compilement of 30 years with more than 20 people of the family is enough to see that is just a scandal. My father alone in that time bought over 11 properties, just imagine what a politicians with a salary 30x bigger would do? And not alone, his whole family of wealty people.
Nine finger on the other side, never worked and in less than 4 years as president, built millions in properties. His son that was a complete nobody, literaly a poop wiper in a zoo, now is richer than any of the member of "bolsonaro clan", Lula Jr alone is richier than the whole Bolsonaro family.
Also, I'm not even pro-Bolsonaro. He sure isn't a saint. But Lula is a corrupt ex-convict (still guilty) that is ever more far away from a saint. If he isn't siting on Devil's lap, he has the devil on his lap. Anyone is better than Lula