1. They gang rape females “Dolphin sex can be violent and coercive. Gangs of two or three male bottle nose dolphins isolate a single female from the pod and rape her, sometimes for weeks at a time. To keep her in line, they make aggressive noises, threatening movements, and even smack her around with their tails. And if she tries to swim away, they chase her down.”
2. They are horny and they don’t mind humans as a partner. Being horny is all fun and good until you are the unwanted recipient. Horny dolphins can turn and rape humans. Demi Moore is rumored to have had a close encounter of the finny kind.
3. Dolphins have prehensile penises. This combined with the #2 is more than enough to scare the bejebus out of me. I thank Christopher Moore and his book Fluke for painting a vivid mental image of this.
4. Dolphins kill babies of other species. Again quoting Miriam, “In Scotland, scientists found baby harbor porpoiseswashed up with horrific internal injuries. They thought the porpoises might have been killed by weapons tests until they found the toothmarks. Later, dolphins were caught on film pulping the baby porpoises-the dolphins even used their ecolocation to aim their blow at the porpoises’ vital organs.”
5. Dolphins kill their own babies. Males are known to kill off babies. In one study, 5 juvenile bottlenose dolphins had fatal injuries consistent with a bottlenose dolphin attack. Infanticide by males may occur within dolphins, as it does in other species, because females become immediately ready for pregnancy after the death of infant. The study also suggests that violent interactions with harbour porpoises (near 100 incidents in this study alone) by bottlenose dolphins may occur because they confuse infants of the two species.