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No.52085534 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where's your fag parade, sweaty?
Where'd BurningMan go?
Where is any of the degenerate shit you hold so dear, FAGGOT?
Do I sound at all concerned to you?
You have no path to legitimate victory, and if you persist down this path of corruption, and lies, you will hang.
This is all very simple.
We tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. We tried to play nice. We gave you every opportunity to not only act like Americans, but to just resemble fucking Humans for once.
You failed on every level.
Now we don't have to put up these false pretenses anymore.
Optics, gone.
"MARXIST!" -yes
"RUSSIAN!" -yes
"REDNECK!" -yes
"COMMIE! REEEEEEE!" -yes, yes, YES!

Are you beginning to see the pattern yet, faggot?
You're fucked, and nothing you do will stop it now. Even if you backed off, and tried to disappear. WE will not be made to share this world, and the beauty of the Proletarian Order with parasitic social cancers, and the bourgeoise mental plagues on Humanity.
I keep telling you, and one day soon it WILL kick in.
You are already extinct.

We are coming.