Cheats for example
[Hisuan Pokemon 1.0.1]
08000000 03075530 00000001 0000xxxx
replace xxxx with the hex code for the pokemon
[normal pokemon 1.0.1]
08000000 03075530 00000000 0000yyyy
replace yyyy with the hex code for the pokemon
[Encounter Mod Off (v1.0.1)]
04000000 00D0A610 39402288
[Encounter Mod On (v1.0.1)]
04000000 00D0A610 148DABBC
04000000 03075500 18000181
04000000 03075504 790063E1
04000000 03075508 18000161
04000000 0307550C 790067E1
04000000 03075510 18000141
04000000 03075514 79006BE1
04000000 03075518 18000121
04000000 0307551C 3900DBE1
04000000 03075520 39402288
04000000 03075524 1772543C
04000000 03075530 00000085
04000000 03075534 00000000
04000000 03075538 00000000
04000000 0307553C 00000001
04000000 03075538 000000E5
04000000 03075538 0000069B
[Encounter Item Masterball (v1.0.1)]
04000000 03075538 00000001
hex ids for pokemon item hex codes (don't think sv has an item list yet for hex codes) anyone wants to continue trying
>>52089844not sure about that one to be honest