>>52144640Meowscarada will be good by virtue of having Protean, even with the nerf to Protean and Protean working terribly with Sword Dance now.
Skeledirge would be OU by usage, but will always be niche due to being bulky Unaware Pokemon with Slack Off, and is actually threatening offensively compared to Quagsire.
Rabsca and Pawmot will be OU by virtue of having revival moves if those don’t manage to be banned.
Houndstone has fucking Last Respects and Sand Rush.
Dondozo also has Unaware and is super bulky which will make it usable even without reliable recovery.
Palafin literally becomes an Ubersmon just by simply switching out once.
Scovillain is the best Chlorophyll user in the game.
Maushold gets an effective 300 BP move.
Cyclizar gets one of the most busted moves in SV without the drawback with Regenerator.
Garganacl has really good stats and an amazing ability making it immune to status and halving ground damage.
Glimmora sets Toxic Spikes simply by being hit.
Brambleghast gets Wind Rider.
Gholdengo is completely immune to all status moves that target it.
Most of the Paradox Pokemon have amazing stats and busted abilities.
Chink legendaries are all super busted thanks to their abilities.
Kingambit is better Bisharp with 2 useful abilities.
Clodsire is yet another bulky Unaware Pokemon.
Annihilape has that Fighting/Ghost type that helped Marshadow get into Ubers.