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How to fix open world pokemon

No.52160108 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
-make pokemon travel in real time across the region
-make crafting actually worth it
-trainer rematches every few in game hours with them getting stronger (basically battle tower mechanic)
-make gyms and everyone scale, make random strong opponents in the region
-Berry and apricorn and food fields (based on in game clock)
-random NPC with rare trades and quests
-Allow every battle item for 1000$ and vitamins or mints for 100 and 300
-Keep and upgrade alpha pokemon
-Allow trainer get hurt, tired, hungry ect.
-Make hungry pokemon weaker, make pokemon weaker after many battles so picnic make now sense
-Make shiny and aura pokemon more special and worth it.
-Allow item crafting when you are far away from the city.

WOW so hard.