>>52166677I think maxie's plan is often taken way out of context and misinterpreted (maybe on purpose) so that it can be on the same league of retarded as archie's. "Hurr durr expand the land? don't we, like, need water to live?" is what people reduce it to, but they seem to forget that the planet is already covered mostly by water, salty sea water that they can't drink. Maxie's plan makes sense in the context of hoenn which is a third volcano, a third jungle, a third waterworld: make more fertile land for people to live on, harvest food from, and build on. Even an expansion of as much as 30% of the current landmass would have absolutely no effects on the oceans around the region, specially considering groudon's method to create land seems to be via volcanic eruptions: that shit happens in real life all the time, just look at the canary islands. The sea is just too big, it doesn't care about having a bit of lava poured on coastal lines, not to mention even if you are worried about the sea ecosystem, a larger part of the oceans than people realise is comprised of the water equivalent of deserts: deep, liveless sand bottoms that fish only travel through to get to the actual fertile reef zones. It would be one thing if maxie was destroying large coral reefs, but that never seems to be the case, and in a couple decades, the increased surface of coastal water will make the marine ecosystem of hoenn flourish, actually. The fatal flaw is, of course, that lava and earthquakes will necessarily fuck up the region for a while, but you can't worry about a few broken eggs in the name of progress.