>>52198792It's quite rare for a girl to hit puberty at elementary school age, at least it was back in my time (which was roughly 20-15 years ago).
By age 10 only two girls in my school year had hit puberty.
Not many more at age 11.
Average is 12-13 years old. A girl in my high school didn't hit puberty till 14-15 and she had no health issue.
I'm not even sure so many young girls these days actually hit puberty so early, maybe it's just how the body reacts to estrogens in highly nutritious food.
Part of the problem is also cultural, little girls are encouraged to look and act like young women while little boys are not (or at least not to the same extent).
If you had a group of 8-10 year old girls from today and made them wear average kids' clothes from the 80s/90s or even early 2000s they would look a lot less like highschoolers and more like their actual age.