>>52228284Forgot to mention my actual Pokemon impressions.
I got a lv. 12 Shroomish with Spore from a raid, so that solved all my Pokemon catching issues, I've also never actually seen the Breloom arm stretch animation till now, it's sick.
Bopeebo was a random Water Tera spawn, it knowing Water Pulse and having Competitive saved my ass a number of times, I really like her.
Audie is great, though kind of generic, I don't know where to find the Nectars to change her form either, not that it matters since they don't do anything till lv. 40.
The biggest surprise has been Klawf, I only used it since I was trying out random Pokemon, but he's really fast and hits super hard, his only downside is the ability taking 10 years every activation.
Have barely been able to actually use my starter since she's so much stronger than everything :(
>>52228307I did the Electric gym, she's weaker than Mela.