After long day the snow leopard returned back to the cave. He was looking angry, just like when he is horny after all day battles. He was leering at me.
Chien Pao walked into our living room and I could feel he lowers my defense. I tried to scare him away with intimidation, but he send an ice shard towards me knocking me semi unconscious on the rocky ground. Guess it's not the right time to be part flying type. I couldn't move my body and I felt how pressure of his existence is causing my male pussy to open for him. I could only breathing in cold waiting for what must happen. He used ice fangs and grabbed me by neck and I moaned like bitch. His hot black pulsating dick was up to my ground bitch hole. I tried to look at him helplessly but then he raw open my tiger pussy and I only could yelp as it was too late for me . That's my husband I thought. And let out a weak "mow" before getting wrecked by his cock and ice fangs