>>52254325Swampert and Greninja are best bros OP (no homo.)
They are the coolest, toughest water starters and they regularly bully those other nerds.
My boy Swampert holds them pussy faggots down while my homie G. Ninj splits they wig.
Swampert and Greninja are so overwhelmingly sexually potent that when they walk up in the club bitches all around in a 12 mile radius start to ovulate - I don't even know what that means.
When Swampert and Greninja head out to planet fitness they don't even go inside, they just stand out in the parking lot and deadlift other people's cars.
One time I saw some pussy ass faggot bitch trynta start shit with Swag P. and G. Ninj and the dood just evaporated, mid sentence. I didn't even see my boys twitch a muscle. Guy was just gone.
I was like, damn...