>>52269219>AZ (Alpha and Omega, a God reference, heavily Odin inspired, missing an eye)>Area Zero>Arven , anagram of Raven (tied to Odin's 2 raven familiars), covers 1 eye at all timesArea Zero is not the ancient Kalos weapon site, it is the impact zone. This is the place AZ nuked.
This also sheds a lot of light on the ancient weapon itself.
It did not fire Infinity Energy at the target , it used the infinity energy to open a time-space portal to 'summon' that tera ball pokemon we see in the book and launched it.
This means that we should eventually find traces of AZs brother in Paldea, which ties up with Geeta being a minion of his 100%, due to all the Goetia references tying them together.