>>52303524she also commit crimes though, she stole pretty huge sums of currency from the Pokemon League and only had a very mild case of regret for doing so. When she was given an incredibly fair and light punishment she just complained that she couldn't go home and binge anime. Her whole plan of roping you into stopping them all revolved around her being too autistic to go see her friends EVER even though they were so ride or die for her that they were willing to illegally augment not one but five dangerous vehicles... to deal with a school bullying problem? Their rich parents (fairy twink especially) could have gotten the same outcome of the situation without them having to "bear the sins of the school" or whatever the fuck they were doing for over a year after it happened. I mean what else were they doing, besides recruiting new grunts that actually were going around bullying people? They all have phones and can contact each other, if they had just stopped being LARPing retards and gone back to school Penny absolutely would have reached out to them again when she got back. Those bullies that pushed Team Star to become "the real bullies themselves" must have been threatening them with semiauto remoraids or something because how else can you justify building fucking death cars to deal with them? Oh wait no they were just complaining about the class president doing his job a little too strictly, or teasing the autistic retard that dresses like a ninja to school, turning against you because you were a fucking bitch to a new student out of jealousy, or god forbid THE WHOLE CLASS IGNORING YOU because you're a horrid little bitch? The way Penny talks to Arven in the postgame made it clear she's just a shitty person and it's really no wonder why she was ever bullied in the first place. Yes this post is autistic rant manifest but it's so baffling the game plays them off as "good guys".