>>52318997Is a possibility that we are actually going to getboff this rock worth condemning people to the mental fatigue that is driving so many to insanity and suicide?
Human relationships have fallen apart in the first world, even among our own families. Everyone feels isolated, everyone is anxious, depression is skyrocketing, hatred is skyrocketing, disorders are skyrocketing. Human hormones are completely out of whack, sperm counts are collapsing in the USA across all races. Allergies and predispositions for disease are out of control.
What the fuck have we earned for this? Some RC cars on mars and a desperate hunger for entertainment and distraction so we dont sober up enough to kill ourselves. But hey, after a fucking 50 year moratorum on moon landing, we are trying again, with an economy about to fall apart and a country on the verge of civil war so clearly that means human development will forever be on an upwards course. Dark ages and the devolution of society from Roman Empire technological highs for four hundred years, what's that?