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Ability Patches + HA Raidcats for Dex Completion (mostly Violetmons)

No.52330985 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Making this a separate thread from raidcat/wfg so I can manage replies better.
Need help completing the dex, I have 19 Jolly HA Galarian Meowths with few perfect IVs and each are holding an Ability Patch.

If you want one, just reply to this post stating which mon you can trade me so other anons know what not to.
If its a valuable mon and you just want to touch trade (trade > trade back), just add that in the reply as well. (Iron Treads - Touch)
We'll use your reply post number as the Link Trade code.

>Trade for
Misdreavus / Mismagius
Clauncher / Clawitzer
Gulpin / Swalot
Bagon / Shelgon / Salamence
Dreepy / Drakloak / Dragapult
Anything holding Malicious Armor

>Prefer Trade but Touch Trade if you don't want to
Iron Treads
Iron Moth
Iron Jugulis
Iron Thorns
Iron Bundle
Iron Valiant

>Touch Trade, I trade the Meowth first, then trade back for any junkmon
Wo Chien
Ting Lu

I'd like to give these away to as many people as possible so 1 each. If you're a gigachad and feel generous and are okay with trading multiple mons, I'll still give the extras to anyone else left.