>>52338743>RampardosSlow frail Rock Pokemon with unreliable STAB that easily gets bamboozled by Smogon favorites like Landorus and fat garchomp
>Mega HeracrossLoses to Skarm 1v1, even loses to pex 1v1 if SD, pin needle, rock blast, fight move
>MawileLoses to Landorus
>CrawdauntBanded gauranteed lose to pex if it loses item
>HoopaDies to Lando U-turn
>TauntAt this point is a strech but Pex can still Scald burn through predicted taunts and Chansey can still 3hko almost anything with Seismic toss
>Gen 5 banHas barely stall since their God Toxapes isn't in
>ArenatrapAlways this stupid argument. Arena trap double edged sword because it is good vs Stall because traps important cores like Pex, Galar slowking or Blissey or forces them to use shed shell
>Mega Sable-eyeBanned when the fucking gen was over and no one played it anymore
>SpectrierFree set up fodder since Chansey can't touch it.