>>52346940What what we need is a region based off of Africa where you get to play as a representative of the Galarian, Kalos or Paldean empire.
Your mission is to make sure that the burgeoning rubber and slave trades are operating smoothly - at any cost.
Which ever factions you don't play as will function as the game's evil team and you will have to sabotage their resource extraction efforts by any means - just make it look like an accident to avoid international incident.
Pokemon battling and catching is all most none existent however PLA's catching mechanics make a return and they're used quite frequently ...but not on Pokemon.
All so if the women and children aren't producing rubber fast enough you can use your Pokemon to violently "motivate" them into increasing productively.
There are all so breeding mechanics but I wont go into that... I'll just say it involves a lot of brutal rape, sadomasochism and other things that make God cry and leave it at that.
It will be called "Pokemon Legends: Congo"