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/emugen/ Emulation General - Self aware Edition

No.52357274 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
emugen/ Emulation General -

>OP and extra guides/info:

Ryujinx LDN3.0.1 released! You can now easily trade with people using Ryujinx servers.
PKHeX has released! You can now edit your saves and don't need to trade with yourself to evolve certain 'mons. PKHeX can handle trade evolutions if you open two saves (you can open the same one twice).

>Emulator builds
Ryujinx: (recommended)
Ryujinx LDN:
Yuzu official:
Yuzu early build:
>Files needed for emulation

>Pokémon Scarlet/Violet ROMs, magnets recommended

Check rentry.

>I am experiencing X issue
Aim for 50% FIFO. If it's too low, upgrade CPU, if it's too high, upgrade GPU.
Recommended settings for Ryujinx:
- Input
Enable Docked Mode - On
- System
Enable VSync - Off. Then cap the FPS with the nVidia/AMD control panel to 30. Leave it On if that caps it at 30.
Use alternative memory layout (Developers) - Off
- Graphics
Graphics Backend Multithreading: Auto
Shader Backend: Vulkan
Enable Shader Cache: On
Resolution Scale: 2x or more (native if you have a very shit GPU).
>If you're experiencing joy con drift/ can't pass the hide and seek portion then go to settings and set the joycon dead zone to at least .20, higher if it still doesn't work

If you have any game related issue (where to find X, how to evolve Y, etc) check >>>/vp/svqmt/
For more emulation other than the new games, check >>>/vg/emugen/

Latest thread: >>52317964