>>52430826>FavoriteWater/Ground. Many things can't hurt it properly except Grass, but many Water types can learn Ice moves, so it's virtually indestructible. Only negative point is many are slow, but they can hold themselves at least.
>HatedDragon. Not only because it resist many things, but mainly because they are end game. While I enjoy having unstoppable monsters, I prefer having them from the beginning. Grow with them, enjoy using them.
By the time I unlock them, I feel like "ah, I'll take him here, grind, then here, evolve, grind some more, and here, and finish the evo line, to the box with you".
>Best/Worst type?Ground is best, mainly because the attacks/field effects are very good for offensive/stall builds.
The worst is Ice, mainly because the typing is very gimped in the power scale. The pokemon that have Ice in their typing may as well be labeled "exp fodder". No shade tho, the attacks are monsters, managing to OHKO many pokemon with ease. It needs a buff and resist more types. My votes are Water and Flying.
>What type would you create?The "Unknown" Type. Can resist Fairy, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, Psychic, Bug, Ice, and Poison. Water, Fire, Grass, Electric, Ground, Rock, Flying, Fighting, and Steel.
The only one super effective against Uknown types are Normal, because "when the unknown is explained, it becomes the new normal".
Is Super Effective agaisnt Fairy, Psychic, Dragon, and Dark; not very effective against Rock, Insect, Poison, and Fighting; And Ghost/Normal are unnefected by it.