>>52434382Dairy animals are milked as much as they can be. Imagine a woman tied up, artificially inseminated (read raped), her newborns taken away from her at birth, milked continuously, cycle repeated again every time until she stops producing milk, finally sent to the butcher to be murdered because she is past her age and cannot produce milk anymore. That is what happens to a cow. The male offspring is sent to the butcher right away because the calf is not useful to the farmer at all. It doesn’t have to plough the fields anymore and female cows are impregnated artificially. Why keep a male calf? Feeding him for one more day means cost and you don’t want that remember? The female calf, if good enough is left alone until she is ready to enter the above cycle of hell by herself.
Poultry animals are put through the same. They live in small cages. Lay eggs that are taken away from them and keep doing the same until they are unfit to lay eggs anymore when they are sent to become finger licking good chicken nuggets. Some eggs are fortunate to be allowed to hatch because we need the next generation of poultry animals. When these eggs hatch, the male chicks are sent through a grinder on the first day. The female ones, if good enough are left alone for a while before they enter the cycle on their own.
In any business, everything that you can do to reduce costs and increase produce GETS DONE. There is no reason for this mantra to be any different in animal farms. The people who run it need a profit like everyone else. There are animal farms that are better than the worse but the theme is the same everywhere.
Can you imagine an alien race doing all this to us? Killing the men and torturing the women?
You know how our mythology talks about gods. Gods are superior to us, good to us, kind to us, can help us from our difficulties; can give us prosperous lives etc.
All those factory animals aren’t praying for you to be their god, they are praying to just be left alone