>Iron Treads: Rumors say this being is some kind of weapon using technology not of this world, but no one can say for sure. Apparently, it's called Iron Treads after the name of a strange being that was written about in the mysterious Violet Book.
>Iron Moth: Some point to Iron Moth's aggression as a sign that it is, in fact, a UFO of sorts being controlled by alien life. Perhaps something out there is using Iron Moth to observe us, waiting for the moment to mount an invasion...
>Iron Hands: A leading theory holds that Iron Hands was once an athlete who became mortally wounded but was kept alive by being made into a cyborg. Why it so strongly resembles Hariyama, however, remains unanswered.
>Iron Jugulis: Iron Jugulis is theorized to be a sort of machine-Hydreigon hybrid, as it combines the former's ruthlessness with the latter's ferocity. It takes its name from a similarly described entity in the Violet Book.
>Iron Thorns: It appears to be highly intelligent and clad in metallic armor, causing some to speculate that it may be a Tyranitar as it would appear a billion years from now. Its name comes from a similarly described entity that appears in the Violet Book.
>Iron Bundle: Plenty of theories about it have been floated. A leading one suggests it is the product of a long-gone civilization—a notion supported by ancient writings that describe the design and usage of machines resembling Iron Bundle.
>Iron Valiant: This oddity's name is borrowed from that of an object described in the Violet Book. One theory holds that it is in fact a robot—the product of a mad scientist's efforts to create the most powerful psychic Pokémon of all.
Some are cyborgs, some are robots, some are fully organic with armor