>>52486249I think they were designed similar to Dragon originally where they were just going to be a rare powerful type. But whereas Dragon eventually got a lot more moves to flesh out all of the new Pokémon, Ghost just kept getting new Pokémon and not very many new moves. It probably doesn't help that ghost is actually a pretty damn good type and I think they only now are realizing that. It only has two weaknesses, but then has two immunities, some useful resistances, and a lot of other types don't resist it. Personally I get why they removed steel resisting ghost, but that really would have checked that type in the current meta. I feel like where we are now, I would maybe have another type resist ghost and then actually start making more dual type ghost Pokémon instead of all of these monotypes because that would both be more interesting but also give those Pokémon more checks because they'd have more weaknesses. I can't imagine them radically changing how ghost interacts with the other types currently though, that's why I just think adding another resistance is the way to go. I feel like fairy resisting ghosts makes sense but that might buff that type even more than it needs to be. They could also just, funnily enough, make stronger ghost and dark type moves since those are the only things that would beat a ghost type. Then give more of them to normals so they can block the hit and then strike back