>>52496369>>52496494I get you, but it was your own choice purchasing BDSP, despite knowing what kind of remake they are and the fact that Arceus was releasing in two months.
Sinnoh was also my favorite region and I am very disappointed that they went with an aggressively vanilla region than going unapologetically Japanese as they did with ORAS, but I can appreciate them actually making some effort in trying something different with Arceus. It wasn't what I was hoping with Sinnoh, but it was an enjoyable game in it's own right and a good blueprint of what a Pokemon game can be, if they don't go the usual Game Freak way of of two steps forward and one-half back.
The ideal scenario of course would be to have a tandem studio to Game Freak with the creative freedom to do what they want with the remake. ILCA could have been this but it was clear how much executive meddling there was with BDSP considering the early concepts they did and what they ended up having. I would go as far as to say that (starts wearing tinfoil hat) they might have been intentionally curbed as not to make Game Freak's game look worse than theirs. ILCA was involved in Dragon Quest XI in some capacity, which was a technical marvel even on the Switch, and there's no way they wouldn't know how to make good games.
A second studio, of course, is the perfect opportunity to lenghten a Pokemon generation to ensure each game has more development legroom, but of course TPC might have been to greedy to see that.