>>52531644I know this isn't /adv/ but I genuinely want the 'pathetic' anons ITT to know this.
>Be driven, not motivatedIf you start pursuing something, rather than acting on motivation, come up with a deep reason for WHY you're pursuing it. Motivation is fickle, some days you won't want to keep going, but the days when you don't want to keep going but do anyway will show how driven you really can be.
>Come up with a frameworkFor me, my framework is 3 things. Bearing in mind I am naturally a genius with a proclivity for learning and constantly expanding my skillset. This is my current framework:
>LearnI am currently dedicated to learning how I can apply my natural gifts + skills to become obscenely rich, but more 'realistically,' I am on the path to becoming a polyglot and therefore prioritise learning languages every day.
>CreativityI always aim to keep making art and working on video making, etc., these are really great skills that help massively in putting yourself out there, and they are some of my passions
>ExerciseDo this every fucking day, and always seek to do more types of exercises. Learn physical discipline with some form of martial arts or fighting.
And always keep track of how you've improved over a year. Ideally, every day you should be able to look back on the previous day and say you've improved in some (big or small) way, and over the year this can look like massive changes in your life. This will probably leave less time for Pokemon, but fuck it, improving yourself comes first. Don't do it for anyone else, you owe it to yourself. Once you're filthy stinking rich then you can play Pokemon all day while you earn passively in the background.
Find every available opportunity to prioritise the things that will grow you as a person, like if you're learning languages then do it in your wagie office, use your wagie office's gym if it has one, don't tell (((them))) control you