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>Armored Cliff
A truly bulky Paradox, Armored Cliff is a worldly wall, comprised of tightly packed sediment encased in an obsidian shell. Though it resembles an Aggron as much as Great Tusk resembles a Donphan, their dispositions couldn't be further apart. With its innate Rock/Dark typing, Armored Cliff is known to withstand any blow, and can wait for days as its opponent tires itself to death.
>Iron Batter
There exists only fossils of yore with a strength comparable to Iron Batter. Though its horns curl around themselves, and its body is incapable of turning while in motion, Iron Batter charges on. Modern scientists classify it as Steel/Fighting, if only to explain its immense strength and speed, both of which it uses to repeatedly smash the toughest of barricades to smithereens.