>>52546677They're not. You are confusing feminine for 'sexy'. Pokémon designs are very tame especially given what you actually see in other franchises. Instead I would argue that their innocence and cuteness add more to the appeal on top of the whole "master" angle. See for example how the Internet blew up thanks to My Little Pony. To this day Twilight Sparkle retains the title of queen of NSFW for any individual character and part of what propelled the insane amount of sexualizition was the ponies cute and innocent designs.
On top of that it's just wrong to sexualize Pokémon. They're very innocent creatures, they're basically magical dogs. They're kind creatures with a natural affinity towards humans, much like real dogs, which Tajiri actually stated in his biography. Dr. Footstep quotes on how Pokémon feel reveal a lot in this. For example wild Pokémon feeling envy towards domesticated Pokémon under the guise of looking down on them. One of the quotes even states that no Pokémon dislikes human instead there's humans that dislike Pokémon. Pokémon are attuned to the feelings of humans much like dogs, they're very innocent and friendly. Even the games and anime revel in this as Pokémon are basically shown as being magical pets.
Stop sexualizing these poor creatures.