>>52571362>Iron Thorns used Ice Fang>on Bronzong since near anything can learn EQ wp anon
>>52568201With heavy Electric Terrain support (Pincurchin and maybe Rotom) and an heavy amount of copium you can go for something like this :
Iron Thorns @ Choice Band
Ability: Quark Drive
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 23 Atk
- Stone Edge
- Volt Switch
- Earthquake
- Thunder Punch
23 atk IV + Timid nature makes so the Quark Drive boost goes to your speed stat. You reach 400 speed, so you can outspeed anything up to 130 base speed.
Choice Band is there to patch up a bit the heavy atk loss. Don't bother with special moves, its sp.atk is way too low to achieve anything.
You're missing a ton of neutral OHKO, but at least you can somehow revenge kill some things.
Or go full wallbreaker mode, with Sticky Web and Electric Terrain support again.
Adamant, full atk and speed, with a Choice Band.
Go for Tera Grass or Bug to keep the terrain boost and neuters that nasty Ground weakness.
That's the most you can do with it, if you're really willing to use it.