>>52568633I don't get why saying that would make the npcjack mad or stumped. What's bad about what the white fella said? Hell yeah having another place to explore after the climax is great.
The Kanto return is something that could only be done in gen 2 though. Because you couldn't have a gym challenge that's more challenging than the first, because then it ceases to be postgame - it would be just another half of the game. The whole point of Kanto in gen 2 was simply to see what became of it in 3 years, and to be a build-up to Red.
I suppose you could do the same for new generations, where postgame is another simple tour of an old beloved region leading up to a fight with an old hero/villain, but you'd have to establish a timeline and a connection, like Johto did.
But beside all that, this meme just comes off very awkwardly. Your reasonable guy is not saying anything that makes npcjack look especially dumb. It comes off as not making much sense as as comic. You have to hit harder than that.