>>52586843>Nintendy fires them for dare overshadowing a mainline gameThat's not typically how competition is dealt with. If you just fire them all at once, you risk them getting together afterwards, forming their own studio, and developing a superior game that competes with your own. What's usually done is a slow, gradual strangling of the B team. You keep them around, but you don't give them tasks. You split them up, throwing some of them to different departments on petty tasks. You do just about anything to keep them from doing anything substantial, but still keep them occupied to prevent them from leaving. Frog in a boiling pot, etc. If they leave, they do it over time in an unorganized fashion and are spread out through the industry. If they don't leave, no problem, you've got a bunch of janitors and assistants hanging around at worst.
I think EA did something similar with the titanfall devs.