>>52594435In all likelihood, what actually happened is that Mary cheated on Joseph with some chad, but then realized that she wouldn't be able to pass the kid off as Joseph's son because the signs of her pregnancy were showing too early. So, as was VERY common back then, she claimed that the pregnancy was divine, and that the father was Jehovah. Enough people bought it for her to not get stoned for infidelity, and she told Christ the story too in order to keep up the illusion. Christ believed it, and dedicated his life to asceticism and religious studies as a way to get in better touch with his divine father. Around the age of 30 he started work as a faith healer, and began speaking against the Pharisees, who had a stranglehold over the jewish community at the time, and were disgustingly corrupt. Famously he fashioned a whip and drove them out of the temple where they had been committing usury. The Pharisees then attempted to get rid of him by claiming that he was fostering an uprising against the Romans, which he was not doing, but potentially MIGHT have done had he actually succeeded in reforming judaic religious authority. Thus the Romans arrested him via Judas's betrayal and sentenced him to die. Afterwards Paul spread a heavily corrupted version of Christ's teachings to non-jews, which resulted in the myriad of christian sects in the late Roman Empire, all of them crushed ruthlessly once Constantine converted and took power.