>>52599945>What were their names.Serena, Shauna, Trevor, Tierno
>Say 1 thing about them.Serena was kind of pathetic in that she's spinning her wheels against you constantly, ending up friendzoning you. Her appearance in the anime dominates those threads constantly, even like five years after her official departure.
Shauna was the posterchild for squirrel-face Pokemon designs, absolutely stupid hair, wears short shorts, used as a metric to prove Calem and Serena are 17-18 and not 10 like so many fucking memelords like to spout. Also the game tried hard to allude you going on a date with her, complete with a butler giving you the Protect TM at the peak of the date. It couldn't compare to Yancy.
Trevor was a dexfag who always got left behind you, but it was amusing when you brought him mythicals and legendaries and he alluded to having his own.
Tierno's dumb fatness didn't make him a strong opponent. Both he and Trevor are mildly better in Pokespe but complete non-characters in the anime. Shauna also checked out early there too, weirdly enough.
>That's why Penny is okay, we can talk about penny, she made an impression, she isn't a big fat nothing.I don't disagree with this, I just wish people would get her character fucking right when talking about her instead of make shit up in an excuse to blindly hate her for stuff she didn't even do.