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Autism thread

No.52649543 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the worst Pokemon-related autistic things you've done, anons?

>got Pokemon Emerald for my 7th birthday
>chose to play as the girl
>over the course of the game, got way too attached to the character
>used to lie in bed just staring at the trainer card, admiring May
>would cry all the time because I wanted to be there with her in the Pokemon world


>Gen 4 rolls around, mid-2007
>one of my friends had his birthday earlier than mine, so he got the game first
>went over to his house
>he wouldn't let me play any of it (he was doing it on purpose to annoy me)
>I got super pissed and jealous
>went to upstairs to "use the bathroom"
>while I was there, went into his bedroom and grabbed his copy of Pokemon Silver from his game drawer
>put the game in the bathroom sink
>proceeded to fill the sink up with my piss
>swirled it round
>dried it out and put it back in his game drawer
>about 1 year later, he was really upset when he realised his dex-completed Silver version was broken