>FeraligatrAs a huge gatrfag and someone who thinks Typhlosion is a disgusting design, sadly he's the most popular one
>BlazikenYeah but all three are very, very close
>EmpoleonLol no, Piplup is insanely popular, yes, but as for final stage both Infernape and Torterra completely surpassed it
>SerperiorI don't know, from what I've seen it's a pretty close tie with Samurott
>DecidueyeDon't know, Rowlet was really popular and people did like Dec just not as much as its prevo, and it's true Incineroar was a bit more promoted though that doesn't mean it was liked either, to this day I see many people still shitting on it
>CinderaceIt's the lesser bad so yeah
>MeowscaradaToo early to tell, but so far I think it's a tie with the croc, even as their base stages those two were equally loved, poor duck