>>52693694Pokémon related dreams or just dreams in general?
In general I would love to travel to Russia and visit some of the old buildings that are still standing, particularly some cathedrals and towns, one of these days I'll see that dream come true
Pokémon related I never had anything really I don't dream of fantastical shit often, unsurprisingly the most Pokémon related dream I ever had was just me going to a friend house to play battle revolution but we couldn't get the TV to work so we moved to the college dorms to play there instead, it's strange how most of my dreams is just myself doing mundane shit
We used to plug in a projector and just play in the accountability building facade at night during college, man those were the days, more people should just try to get a groove going some grilled meat a couple of cans of beer, nice speakers and play at night with a projector to see their favorite games projected on some big wall it's peak comfy