>>52718366Have some headcanon
He probably grew up with servants that took care of the children. While a traditional clan, neither Claire nor the faceless lady in his social link give me the impression that the traditional dragon clan has the women themselves do all the housework. Instead it's more of a prestige/might hierarchy system. So he probably learned to cook rather late, because why would he need to do it himself?
So being an artist and all he did a lot of experiments and more often than not sacrificed the taste of a dish for the looks.
As he grew older and either moved in with other people or had to cook for others the way he prepares food mellowed out.
He isn't particular good but decent enough. He makes mostly easy hearty dishes which is great in winter or things with fruits that his Pokemon can snack on while he prepares everything.
All of this is a very elaborate way of saying
that he probably looks fantastic in an apron and I'd gladly eat dog food if he asked me to