>>52729581Do you like an entire dex filled with hundreds of shitty designs?
Do you like dialogue that consists entirely of outdated obnoxious pop culture references?
Do you like shitty puzzles and overly confusing map design?
Do you like a lack of basic QoL like HM moves being mandatory to progress?
Do you like an overly linear region with very little to see or explore?
Do you like a Victory Road where every trainer has 6 Pokemon to make it as tedious and unfun as possible?
Do you like a nonsense plot that tries to go serious and edgy in the last 20 minutes?
Do you like trying to find low chance encounters in the Safari Zone or who will immediately blow up if you want to complete the dex?
Or a 1:1 recreation of the DPPt Feebas puzzle?
Do you like the 2nd gym having Ice Beam and perfect coverage on the statistical equivalent of Slowbro while you're still using unevolved shitmons?
Or maybe do you like the 3rd gym using Electric Terrain and BoltBeam before you've gotten any decent TMs?
Would you like it if the game gives you the Thief TM but then barely any trainers have anything to steal?
Do you enjoy when trainers have maxed out EVs and IVs long before the game ever gives you the resources to have the same?
Do you enjoy that when the game does give you those resources, it becomes pathetically easy?
Do you enjoy a postgame that's full of blatantly unfinished features and areas?
Do you enjoy the game REEEing at you and deleting your save file if you dare to cheat (despite the fact its an easy workaround anyway?)
Do you enjoy a soundtrack full of shitty meme songs?
Do you enjoy tranny devs who only added in Radical Reddit tier (((balance))) changes in the latest update because people were destroying their game with broken mons?
Do you enjoy a fan base filled with autistic fags from Reddit?
If you do, then just keep going with Clover! I'm sure one day you'll get Stockholm's and begin ironically enjoying the shitti-I mean, it'll click!