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Pokemon confessions ITT

No.52737928 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Stole neighborhood kids' Groudons by asking to see them all on my cart as an all Groudon team, then acting like I had to go and would trade them back later, only to never do it
I still have them all so maybe a little redemptive.

>Only hate Sinnoh because the new designs are universally and hideously ugly and because of a traumatic incident when buying it where the Toys 'R Us cashier seriously sarcastically told 11 year old me, "Good luck getting a girlfriend" for buying Pokemon at my age

>Haven't played a game past Sinnoh except ORAS, and didn't even bother beating it; just here for nostalgia and lewd pokegirls

>HATE Natu and Xatu because one of the worst human beings I've ever known had them as his PFP; whenever a Natu or Xatu show up in a nuzlocke or challenge run I close the video and never finish

>When I was a toddler I always took Team Rocket as a serious threat with high stakes that kept nearly taking Pikachu away, and thus hated them, and remember shocking my parents by telling them I'd tie Team Rocket together and cut them all in half with a chainsaw to 'solve' them
Team Rocket became my favorites.