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136KiB, 1200x675, Penny-featured-in-Pokemon-Scarlet-and-Violet-1.jpg
Quoted By: >>52782807 >>52782817
If you believe otherwise you are gullible and will believe anything that gets meme'd on 4chan (e.g., you probably think gen 2 is good and you watch bbc porn)
Penny and most of Team Star are the only characters with any actual depth and ability to be relatable in this game. They are the only ones who could be like people in real life
Every other NPC in this game is a 1-dimensional caricature compared to Penny
Furthermore in Area Zero, Penny is by far the most strategic and rationale person in your group. She's the one who turns on the lights. She is a thinker. She constantly is trying to figure out what is really going on while your other party members are moping or have a peanut-sized brain and want to chimp out and fight constantly
Again, if you don't like Penny, it's because youre a gullible retard who will believe any meme on 4chan
Save this post and read it again in a year when the memes pass and people come around to realize Penny is the best NPC of gen 9
Penny and most of Team Star are the only characters with any actual depth and ability to be relatable in this game. They are the only ones who could be like people in real life
Every other NPC in this game is a 1-dimensional caricature compared to Penny
Furthermore in Area Zero, Penny is by far the most strategic and rationale person in your group. She's the one who turns on the lights. She is a thinker. She constantly is trying to figure out what is really going on while your other party members are moping or have a peanut-sized brain and want to chimp out and fight constantly
Again, if you don't like Penny, it's because youre a gullible retard who will believe any meme on 4chan
Save this post and read it again in a year when the memes pass and people come around to realize Penny is the best NPC of gen 9