>>52810663Never understood why the Galladefellow assumed I was ever pro tranny in the first place. Anyone who actually knows me, or my philosophies knows that I find transgenderism hilariously funny. I do support it, but not in the sense he thinks or thought I do.
To me, its self eunuchry and removal of mental illness from the genetic pool. I applaud every time someone makes action against themselves to stop breeding, because I don't, nor do my children have to deal with the mental and physical illness that comes from their genetics. I'm a huge massive advocate for eugenics, and I see transgenderism as a massive win for this movement. Let the mentally ill think whatever they want, "they are 'women' they are 'animals' they are 'oranges' they are 'crusaders'. That's groovy. Just don't let them breed; reward them for not breeding. Pat their heads and ass for being good little consumers who will forever extinct their family lines, and eventually commit suicide after torturing their bodies with their own sickness.
Where GalladeSchizo and I agree on, (and most normal people do) are the "trannies" who just use the term because
1. They are predators trying to get with a woman, by dressing up like a woman and calling themselves one. Sorry buddy, just because you put on a pair of heels, lipstick and pantyhose doesn't make you Queen Elizabeth. It makes you a predatory pervert who screams for attention by others, specifically by women.
(Aka Male Feminists)
2. Are so attention starved or low on their social pecking order that they cannot get any opprotunities, so they pull a Tootsie to get ahead. (Look the movie up if you don't get the reference)
These people aren't trannies, they are sissy lady men. I mean trannies are men to begin with (as they will never be women). If you want to be a sissy faggot, then just be a sissy faggot and take the dick in the mouth and ass. If you want to be a lady man and still fuck chicks, then just be metrosexual instead of a pervert.