>>52807863because theoretically from a standpoint of an all-powerful being with the power to grant wishes, creating something from NOTHING is kinda their forte, but assuming "something can't come from nothing", if someone Wished to be rich, there are ways that can be accomplished.
1. boom bop bam, money appears from thin air, the magic route.
2.The being has the ability to time travel and/or influences reality of the person so they are handed the winning lottery ticket to become wealthy in the present through setup alone.
For all we know, Heath wished/feared about what pokemon that existed in the past, that desire could have been granted, giving him access to the knowledge of REAL past/future pokemon, he even states there is a point where he blacks out, we just don't know enough, but instead of MAKING pokemon from nothing, the information of the past/future mons were baked into Heath's head, which he publishes the book, nobody can confirm it because there isn't a time machine to make it occur, so the book was seen as fiction. Until later Sada/Turo use the power to wish for a working time machine, and if the granter can influence time, why can't they go into the future where a time machine is a reality, and bring that knowledge back to the past to be created earlier in the timeline, nothing was magically spawned, but things were influenced. Meaning paradox mons can be real, the time machine can be real, and the third legendary IS a wish granter, but isn't to the level of Arceus per se.
Or lets think about it this way. Say the pokemon just took heath BACK IN TIME to area zero in the past/future, where he saw everything, and then blacked out, and was returned to his present, he, in shock and fear leaves to publish his findings, explains that what he saw IS REAL, as to why nobody can replicate the results, because he was taken to a different time, and in the future the information on the time machine was given due to future tech being handed down early?