dex consists of 250 mons all based on crazy wack shit because of how much of a weird wreck our ecosystem is
every pokemon center becomes totally-not-publix with a bakery at the front and everything (selling regional sweets from across each region, scaling with each badge)
you not only get to ride your own pokemon without any retarded safety gear or saddles, but also singlehandedly wrestle with larger wild mon to ride them
evil team is disney because fuck disney
the entire last 5 hours is a massive labyrinthian trek through their evil base which is a HUGE theme park, which you get to take control of and customize to your liking during postgame (think join avenue + festival plaza)
loads of landmarks are extremely tacky and make it obvious what they are (if there isn't a Hard Rock Hotel equivalent that isn't literally modelled after Toxtricity so god help me)
a million billion swamps, grasslands, and bogs to fuck around in that all conveniently house different pokemon that will fucking eat you if you even think about stepping inside of them
old person gym leader who's fighting type and exclusively uses gen 1 fighting mon (ace is a machamp, which he insists is because he's "traditional") and screeches about the good old days while smacking you with a cane in an equivalent to the large mon wrestling minigame mentioned before
don't give me ideas op, because there is an incredible rom hack waiting to be made about this awful incredible shithole of a state and you are TEMPTING ME