>>52820002>timecrunchedWhen will this meme end. They're not "crunched for time" (they have the BEST employee remuneration package in the ENTIRE Japanese gamin industry with weekends and public holidays mandated time off), it doesn't take fucking three years to make these games (given they take an entire year to plan out the development of them). They just don't give monkey's trying to develop them to manchild standards - partly, because they're on fucking Nintendo and Nintendo stopped caring about manchild wants when manchildren ignored the gamecube for the playstation graffixbox, partly because their primary audience is children and children eat up ANY colourful shite with oodles of colourful characters and partly because it won't help them sell any more than what they're going to sell anyway.
But sure continue to throw a melty they don't need you or need to develop to your tastes to succeed with their games.